Sorry its been a while, but school has taken up most of my writing energy. Lots of thinking about international politics, Old School Empires like Rome and Greece, Filling in a dropped spanish class cause the prof. thought it was SPA 101 for people who have had spanish throughout all of Highschool..., and Learning how to be an educator for the umpteenth time during my college career, I transfered to another school this year and had to take their entry level EDU course to get into their School of Ed., which is exactly like 2 or 3 other edu classes I have already taken, but gotta run the ropes :) .
On the riding side of things, after the disaster at the Wolf River Race, I decided I was probably over trained and not peaking quite right, trying to ride 2 1/2 hours almost everyday with a 50 lb. bag on to school does not help for peaking i learned. Also with the new routine, figuring out where and when I was gonna eat gave way to some bad habits of just putting eating off a lot and so I think I had been under nourished. So I backed off the riding a lot and just made sure I was doing some really hard efforts on some secret training trails and hill AKA lapham peak every 72 hours of so. Hopefully the peak works out for the big show at Sheboygan this weekend. Even after all my bad races toward the end of the season, looks like by just dumb luck of non-participation I will hold onto at least 5th overall in the series. I guess a goal met is a goal met, just not quite the way I hoped to get there, but I will take the blessing.
Thanks for reading,